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Figure 6 | BMC Cell Biology

Figure 6

From: Small G proteins in peroxisome biogenesis: the potential involvement of ADP-ribosylation factor 6

Figure 6

Arf6 is not essential for peroxisome biogenesis in fetal mouse hepatocytes from control and clofibrate-treated pregnant mice. (A) Protein (25 μg), present in liver postnuclear supernatants from control (-CF) and clofibrate-treated (+CF) pregnant Arf6+/- mice (see Methods), was subjected to SDS-PAGE, transferred to PVDF, and immunoblotted with antibodies against cytochrome P450 4A (Cyt P450; a non-peroxisomal clofibrate-inducible enzyme), the L-specific peroxisomal multifunctional protein (MFP1; a clofibrate-inducible enzyme), peroxisomal thiolase (thiol; a clofibrate-inducible enzyme), or catalase (cat; a peroxisomal enzyme not induced by clofibrate). The asterisk indicates the migration of a nonspecific, immunoreactive protein. (B, C) Primary hepatocytes from mouse embryos (13.5 days) of Arf6+/+ and Arf6-/- littermates from control and clofibrate-treated pregnant Arf6+/- mice were isolated, seeded on collagen-coated cover glasses, cultured for 12 hours, and processed for indirect immunofluorescence microscopy. (B) Representative pictures showing that ARF6 ablation does not alter the localization of Pex14p, a peroxisomal membrane protein. The scale bar represents 10 μm. (C) The number of peroxisomes (per cell section; n > 15) is not substantially altered in wild-type and Arf6-/- cells. The error bars indicate the standard deviation.

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