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Figures 5 | BMC Cell Biology

Figures 5

From: μ-Slide Chemotaxis: A new chamber for long-term chemotaxis studies

Figures 5

Analyzed migration parameters. A-D: Analyzed migration parameters of one set of HT-1080 experiments. Each symbol represents a data point (or its - or ┴-component) of a single measurement. (A) Forward migration indices in parallel (FMI) and perpendicular (FMI) directions are compared to the values of negative (-/-) and positive controls (+/+). The horizontal line indicates zero. All FMI except FMI of the chemotaxis experiment (+/-) are close to 0, indicating arbitrary movements. The FMI (+/-) varies between 0.2 and 0.3, representing directed migration. (B) The displacement of the centre of mass (COM) is shown from the same experimental set as A. Like in the case of the FMI, all COM are close to 0, but only the displacement in parallel direction (COM) of the chemotaxis experiment differs strongly from 0. (C) Average cell velocities of HT-1080. In case of the positive control, the velocity is enhanced roughly by a factor of two compared to the chemotaxis experiment (+/-) and the negative control (-/-). (D) Corresponding p-values of the Rayleigh test in logarithmic scale. The dashed line indicates the 0.05 threshold. Only in the (+/-) case is the p-value smaller than 0.05, showing an inhomogeneous cell distribution. Figures 5E-H: Analyzed data of HUVEC cells. Circles (HUVEC 1: self prepared) and squares (HUVEC 2: Lonza) represent parameters of single experiments of two different cell sources. (E) Only the FMI of the (+/-) case is clearly larger than 0. No difference between the two different cell sources is visible. (F) COM of the (+/-) case of HUVEC 2 is larger than all other COM. (G) Average cell velocities differ dependent on the cell sources. (H) The p-values of the (+/-) data are below 0.05 with one exception. There is no significant difference between the two cell sources.

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