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Figure 1 | BMC Cell Biology

Figure 1

From: Simultaneous stimulation of GABA and beta adrenergic receptors stabilizes isotypes of activated adenylyl cyclase heterocomplex

Figure 1

Determination of adenylyl cyclase activity from isolated rat brain plasma membrane: measure of cAMP synthesis by isoprenolol plus baclofen Membranes were assayed in presence of the following drugs (50 nM): isoproterenol + baclofen (iso+bac), isoproterenol (iso), baclofen (bac). A control membrane is included. Membranes were also incubated first with saclofen (sac) or propanolol (prop) (100 nM) for 10 min, then with iso + bac as above (50 nM). cAMP levels were analyzed using a RIA procedure (NEN kit). The bars show the averages of three determinations +/-SE. Asterisks represent values statistically different from the control: ** P < 0.005 * P < 0.01

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