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Figure 3 | BMC Cell Biology

Figure 3

From: TBLR1 regulates the expression of nuclear hormone receptor co-repressors

Figure 3

Expression of TBLR1. a. Quantitative real time RT-PCR analysis of the expression of TBLR1, TBLR1β and TBL1 m RNA. The data shown are relative concentrations of mRNA normalized to the concentration of GAPDH mRNA found in each tissue. b. Correlation of TBLR1 & TBL1 Expression. The data shown were extracted from Figure 3a and compare the level of expression of TBLR1 and TBL1. c. Correlation of TBLR1 &TBLR1β Expression. The data shown were extracted from Figure 3a and compare the level of expression of total TBL1 and TBLR1β. d. Northern analysis. Blots of human total RNA (Multiple Tissue Northern Blot™) or blots prepared using RNA extracted from several human hematopoietic cell lines were analyzed with 32P labeled probes as shown in the figure. The same filter was used for all the tissue hybridizations. Between hybridizations the bound radioactive probes were stripped and the filter exposed to fresh film to assure that the stripping had been complete. The autoradiographs were scanned to produce the images shown.

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