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Figure 4 | BMC Cell Biology

Figure 4

From: Differential response of lymphatic, venous and arterial endothelial cells to angiopoietin-1 and angiopoietin-2

Figure 4

Proliferation of Ang1 and Ang2 stimulated bmECs. A/ BmLECs, bmAECs and bmVECs were tested for proliferative response in the presence of Ang1 and Ang2 via tritiated thymidine uptake. Clustered Ang1 (800 ng/mL) and Ang2 (800 ng/mL) did not increase thymidine uptake in bmVECs. Ang1 induced increased thymidine uptake in bmAECs and bmLECs above mock levels (clustering anti-His antibody alone). Ang2-treated bmLECs showed higher levels of thymidine uptake than did Ang1-treated cells. Results from two independent experiments were compiled for the figure. ANOVA p-values for 95% CI are indicated with the colours of the bars corresponding to the colours used to represent cell type. BmLECs (B), bmVEC (C), and bmAEC (D) were tested for proliferative response in the presense of clustered Ang1 (800 ng/mL) and unclustered Ang2 (800 ng/mL) by cell counting. 40 000 cells were seeded (hour 0, approximately 10% confluency) and monitored every 24 hours. Trypan blue exclusion was used to determine cell viability. Results were compiled from one representative experiment of two independent experiments, each done in tripplicate. ANOVA p-values for 95% CI for cell counts at the 96 hour time points are as follows: B/ BmLEC p = 9E-10 (*); C/ BmVEC p = 0.22 (**); D/ BmAEC p = 6E-7 (***).

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