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Figure 3 | BMC Cell Biology

Figure 3

From: Absence of gemin5 from SMN complexes in nuclear Cajal bodies

Figure 3

In Hela PV cells, which have separate gems and CBs, gemin5 colocalizes with gems, not CBs, in those rare cells that do have gemin5-positive nuclear bodies. HeLa strain PV cells grown on coverslips were fixed with 1% formalin in PBS and permeabilized with 1% Triton X-100. (A) Separation of gems (red: MANSMA1 mAb and Alexa-546 anti-mouse Ig) and CBs (green: rabbit anti-coilin and FITC anti-rabbit Ig) in HeLa PV, counterstained with DAPI (blue). Rare gemin5-positive nuclear bodies were double-labelled with (B) mAb GEM5P and Alexa-546 anti-mouse Ig and (C) rabbit anti-SMN and FITC anti-rabbit Ig to show colocalization of SMN and gemin5 (white arrows). (D) is an overlay from a double label with GEM5P (red) and rabbit anti-coilin (green) with a DAPI counterstain (blue), showing no colocalization.

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