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Fig. 4 | BMC Molecular and Cell Biology

Fig. 4

From: Construction of strains to identify novel factors for regulation of centromeric cohesion protection (CCP) and sister kinetochore mono-orientation (SKM)

Fig. 4

Growth defect because of Cdc5 over-expression is rescued in cdc16–1 strain. a APC mutant strains cdc16–123, cdc16–1, cdc20–1 were integrated with pRS405-Leu, pRS405-CDC5-Leu and using pRS405-CDC5-MAM1-Leu independently to make SGY4129, SGY4130, SGY4131, SGY4132, SGY4133, SGY4134, SGY4135, SGY4136 and SGY4137 strains. These strains were grown and frogging was done using equal amount of cell at 23 °C. b cdc16–123, cdc16–1 integrated with pRS405-Leu, pRS405-CDC5-Leu and using pRS405-CDC5-MAM1-Leu independently (SGY4129, SGY4130, SGY4131, SGY4132, SGY4133 and SGY4134 strains) were grown and frogging was done at two different temperature (25 °C, 30 °C). c SGY4132, SGY4133 and SGY4134 were transformed with pRS316-gal empty vector and equal volume of the transformats was spread on SC-leu-ura plate supplemented with galactose and incubated at 30 °C

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