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Fig. 6 | BMC Molecular and Cell Biology

Fig. 6

From: Molecular effects of dADD1 misexpression in chromatin organization and transcription

Fig. 6

dADD1 overexpression causes changes in dXNP binding. a Salivary gland immunostaining with HP1a antibody from wild-type (wt) and dXNP overexpression (>dXNP) Sgs3-GAL4/UAS-dXNP. HP1a (red signal), DNA (grey signal) and merge (scale bar 100 μm). In the right column a magnification of a single nucleus is shown (scale bar 5 μm). b Nucleus area quantification showing a reduction in (>XNP), wt n = 341 and XNP n = 344. c RT-PCR analysis of the transcript levels of dXNP in salivary glands. Lanes in the gel correspond to 1) wild-type (wt) 2) Sgs3-Gal4/UAS-XNP (>XNP), 3) xnp2/xnp3 (a heteroallelic condition in which dxnp transcripts are diminished), 4) dadd12/ dadd12 (null dadd1) and 5) UAS-dadd1; Sgs3-GAL4(>dADD1), genotypes. Rp49 transcript was used as a control; the numbers below are the bands quantification with respect to Rp49 signal intensity. d Immunostaining of polytene chromosomes from wild-type (wt), Sgs3-GAL4/UAS-XNP (>XNP), dadd12/ dadd12 (null dAdd1) and UAS-dADD1; Sgs3-GAL4 (>dADD1), DNA (DAPI staining shown in grey), HP1a (red signal), dXNP (cyan signal) and merge. The right column presents a magnification of the telomeric regions

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