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Collections open for submissions

Cilia biology and ciliopathies

Guest edited by Camille Boutin and Helen Louise May-Simera

Cell size and cell division mechanics

Guest edited by Shane McInally and Kristi Miller

Organoids as models of development and disease

Guest edited by Sérgio Paulo Bydlowski

Responding to stress: cellular and molecular mechanisms

Guest edited by Francesco Cappello and Ryo Higuchi-Sanabria


Chromatin structure in cancer

In this new Review Wang et al. describe recent insights into altered genome architecture in human cancer, highlighting multiple pathways that disrupt chromatin structure and contribute to tumorgenesis.


Aims and scope

BMC Molecular and Cell Biology, formerly known as BMC Cell Biology, is an open access journal that considers articles on all aspects of cellular and molecular biology in both eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells. The journal considers studies on functional cell biology, molecular mechanisms of transcription and translation, biochemistry, as well as research using both the experimental and theoretical aspects of physics to study biological processes and investigations into the structure of biological macromolecules.

We are recruiting!

We are currently looking for new Editorial Board Members to join our team of academic editors, assessing manuscripts in the field of molecular and cell biology.  

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Annual Journal Metrics

  • 2022 Citation Impact
    2.8 - 2-year Impact Factor
    2.9 - 5-year Impact Factor
    0.678 - SNIP (Source Normalized Impact per Paper)
    0.775 - SJR (SCImago Journal Rank)

    2023 Speed
    24 days submission to first editorial decision for all manuscripts (Median)
    143 days submission to accept (Median)

    2023 Usage 
    193 Altmetric mentions 

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