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Figure 1 | BMC Cell Biology

Figure 1

From: Distinct nuclear orientation patterns for mouse chromosome 11 in normal B lymphocytes

Figure 1

mBAND labeling scheme, metaphase of PreB lymphocytes of BALB/c origin, mBANDed chromosomes 11 and representative [T38HxBALB/c]N wild-type B cell interphase nucleus. A mBAND labeling scheme of mouse chromosome 11. Chromosome 11 is divided into four overlapping segments. Each segment was labeled with a different fluorochrome: the telomeric end in FITC (green), the centromeric end in Texas Red (magenta), and the interstitial segments in DEAC (cyan blue) and Gold (red), respectively. B Metaphase from diploid mouse Pre B lymphocytes of BALB/c origin after hybridization with the chromosome 11 mBAND probe. (Scale bar: 10 μm). C Two chromosome homologs from a different Pre B lymphocyte metaphase showing (from left to right) display colors, false colors and mBAND fluorescence intensity profiles. D Maximum intensity projections of a representative [T38HxBALB/c]N wild-type B cell interphase nucleus, from top to bottom: xy-view (z-projection), 60° and 120° rotation around the y-axis (note: the DEAC labeled probe is not shown because of insufficient signal/noise ratio of the FISH signal. The white line outlines the DAPI stained nucleus). (Scale bars are 5 μm).

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