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Figure 5 | BMC Cell Biology

Figure 5

From: Spatial separation and bidirectional trafficking of proteins using a multi-functional reporter

Figure 5

Spatial and temporal separation of proteins using HaloTag Technology. (a) HEK293 cells stably expressing Ī²1Int-HaloTag were sequentially labeled with the HaloTag 488 and TMR ligands and then rinsed and lysed. Lysate was non-glycanase treated (lane 2), O-glycanase treated (lane 3) or N-glycanase treated (lane 4) and analyzed by SDS-PAGE with a ladder (lane 1). (b) HEK293 cells stably expressing Ī²1Int-HaloTag were labeled with the HaloTag TMR ligand alone (lane 1), the HaloTag 488 ligand alone (lane 2), or sequentially with the HaloTag 488 and TMR ligands (lanes 3ā€“9). Cells were rinsed and lysed at 0 minutes (lanes 1ā€“3) or 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8 and 12 hours (lanes 4ā€“9) after labeling, and lysate was run on SDS-PAGE. (c) HeLa cells expressing Ī²1Int-HaloTag were sequentially labeled with the HaloTag 488 and HaloTag TMR ligands and imaged immediately after labeling to show spatially separated protein pools. (d) Cells were re-imaged 12 hours after labeling to show temporal translocation of both protein pools. Cell images were generated with Olympus FV500 confocal microscope in sequential mode using appropriate filter sets.

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