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Fig. 4 | BMC Cell Biology

Fig. 4

From: Extracellular fluid flow and chloride content modulate H+ transport by osteoclasts

Fig. 4

Effect of inhibitors of H+-secreting proteins in the oscillating intracellular pH (pHi) of primary osteoclasts under non-flowing standard HEPES-buffered solution. a. The pHi oscillations were not abolished by applying a zero Na+ solution (0 Na+), inhibitor of Na+/H+ exchanger. b. The pHi oscillations were not abolished in the presence of concanamycin (Conc.), inhibitor of H+-ATPase. (Nig. = nigericin clamps pHi at 7.0.). c. The pHi oscillations were not abolished in the presence of NPPB, inhibitor of Clˉ channels. d. The pHi oscillations were not abolished by applying a zero Clˉ solution (0 Clˉ), inhibitor of Clˉ transporting proteins; however there is a noticeable and progressive intracellular acidification from one cycle to the next following the removal of extracellular Clˉ (0 Clˉ). e. Parameters applied for the analyses of the oscillating pHi

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